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Kamis, 13 Januari 2011

Environmental Development with Management Studies

Sustainable Environmental Development with Management Studies PgCert/PgDip/MSc
Facts about Sustainable Environmental Development with Management Studies
Qualification PgCert/PgDip/MSc
Duration PgCert: Full time - 1 semester, part time - 2 semesters PgDip/MSc: Full time - 1 year, part time - 2 years
Attendance Full time: 2 days per week
Part time: 1 day per week
Management studies: usually 2/3 weekends
Assessment Exams and/or coursework; dissertation (MSc)
Course structure
Choose Kingston's Sustainable Environmental Development with Management Studies PgCert/PgDip/MSc

If you are interested in the environment and issues concerning sustainable development, conservation and the management of natural resources, and would like to gain the skills and knowledge necessary to assist with the implementation and maintenance of sustainable environmental management, this course is ideal. It focuses on combining sound environmental practice with economic and social agendas. These subjects are taught in combination with the fundamentals of management theory, setting your scientific knowledge in a vocational context.
What will you study?

There is a choice of two paths to take with this MSc. Path B allows you to omit the Waste Management and Contaminated Land Remediation module - which examines the types, sources and effects of environmental contaminants and their effects on ecosystems and human health - and concentrate more on the management studies modules.

The sustainable environmental development modules enable you to evaluate the changing nature of human interaction with the environment; examine current conservation policy, strategies and issues; and look at the involvement and response of commercial, industrial and public sectors to environmental issues. The management studies modules give you an insight into how the business world operates and will introduce you to marketing concepts and people management skills.
Who teaches this course?

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This course is taught by staff in the Faculty of Science. Find out more...
Teaching staff include:

* Professor Guy Robinson
* Dr Stuart Downward
* Dr Ros Taylor

Research areas

Many of the staff in the Faculty of Science are research active. This ensures they are in touch with the latest thinking and bring best practice to your studies.

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Course structure

Please note that this is an indicative list of modules and is not intended as a definitive list. Those listed here may also be a mixture of core and optional modules.
Path A modules

* Sustainable Environmental Management
Sustainable Environmental Management

This module evaluates the changing nature of human interaction with the environment and the development of present day environmental awareness in the context of sustainable development.

It provides an in-depth understanding of the environmental issues faced by business and industry, and the challenge of improved sustainability against a background of evolving government policy and stakeholder pressure.

The module also promotes critical understanding of environmental management systems (EMS) as developed in response to changing environmental policy or other stakeholder demands.
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* Biodiversity and Conservation
Biodiversity and Conservation

This module reviews the concept of biodiversity and examines current conservation policy, strategies and issues as they apply at a range of scales. An examination of their applications within local, regional and national and global frameworks provides an important policy perspective.
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* Water Resource Management
Water Resource Management

This module offers an opportunity to study the relationships between water and human society at a variety of scales.

In particular, it looks at how water has been managed at global, national and regional scales and how an understanding of hydrological knowledge can be applied to practical water resources problems. It further introduces and investigates the wider concepts of water resources management, governance and water planning decisions.
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* Economic Ethics and the Social Environment
Economic Ethics and the Social Environment

This module explores the meaning and application of responsibility towards the environment, economy and society.

It uses relevant economic and geographical theory to examine local, national and international sustainability issues. In particular, we use case studies to examine the commercial, industrial and public sectors' involvement and response to a range of issues.
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* Waste Management and Contaminated Land Remediation
Waste Management and Contaminated Land Remediation

This module provides an understanding of the types, sources and effects of contaminants in the environment, and their effects on ecosystems and human health. It covers an awareness of the feasibility and limitations of the main techniques and strategies for the remediation of contaminated land. There is a specific focus on the policies and practice of waste management in developed countries.
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* Research Analysis and Data Analysis
Research Analysis and Data Analysis

This module prepares you for independent research work, including an explanation of the importance of unbiased data sampling and how it may be achieved.

It seeks to improve the quality of your scientific thought and procedure by explaining a range of statistical and other data analytical techniques applicable to environmental and spatial data.

In addition to the use of GIS elsewhere in the course, the module provides extensive experience of the use of computers for data analysis and other applications.
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* Finance Resource Management
Finance Resource Management

This module examines the role of financial accounting within organisations. It provides an overview of financial accounting systems in business and public sector organisations.

It also covers:
o the needs of first level managers for financial information and their role in supplying information;
o accounting concepts and conventions; and
o ways of measuring income and valuing assets.
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* Managing People and Organisations
Managing People and Organisations

This module will provide you with a framework which will enable you to critically reflect upon your performance and plan your professional development. It provides an understanding of human behaviour within organisations and looks at how management performance can be enhanced through effective human resource management. You will demonstrate your ability to integrate international aspects of managing people and organisations and develop an understanding of human resource practices and procedures.
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Path B core modules

* Sustainable Environmental Management
Sustainable Environmental Management

This module evaluates the changing nature of human interaction with the environment and the development of present day environmental awareness in the context of sustainable development.

It provides an in-depth understanding of the environmental issues faced by business and industry, and the challenge of improved sustainability against a background of evolving government policy and stakeholder pressure.

The module also promotes critical understanding of environmental management systems (EMS) as developed in response to changing environmental policy or other stakeholder demands.
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* Biodiversity and Conservation
Biodiversity and Conservation

This module reviews the concept of biodiversity and examines current conservation policy, strategies and issues as they apply at a range of scales. An examination of their applications within local, regional and national and global frameworks provides an important policy perspective.
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* Water Resource Management
Water Resource Management

This module offers an opportunity to study the relationships between water and human society at a variety of scales.

In particular, it looks at how water has been managed at global, national and regional scales and how an understanding of hydrological knowledge can be applied to practical water resources problems. It further introduces and investigates the wider concepts of water resources management, governance and water planning decisions.
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* Economic Ethics and the Social Environment
Economic Ethics and the Social Environment

This module explores the meaning and application of responsibility towards the environment, economy and society.

It uses relevant economic and geographical theory to examine local, national and international sustainability issues. In particular, we use case studies to examine the commercial, industrial and public sectors' involvement and response to a range of issues.
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* Research Analysis and Data Analysis
Research Analysis and Data Analysis

This module prepares you for independent research work, including an explanation of the importance of unbiased data sampling and how it may be achieved.

It seeks to improve the quality of your scientific thought and procedure by explaining a range of statistical and other data analytical techniques applicable to environmental and spatial data.

In addition to the use of GIS elsewhere in the course, the module provides extensive experience of the use of computers for data analysis and other applications.
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* Finance Resource Management
Finance Resource Management

This module examines the role of financial accounting within organisations. It provides an overview of financial accounting systems in business and public sector organisations.

It also covers:
o the needs of first level managers for financial information and their role in supplying information;
o accounting concepts and conventions; and
o ways of measuring income and valuing assets.
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* Managing People and Organisations
Managing People and Organisations

This module will provide you with a framework which will enable you to critically reflect upon your performance and plan your professional development. It provides an understanding of human behaviour within organisations and looks at how management performance can be enhanced through effective human resource management. You will demonstrate your ability to integrate international aspects of managing people and organisations and develop an understanding of human resource practices and procedures.
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Path B optional modules (choose one)

* Marketing

This module will develop your understanding of key marketing concepts. It looks at:
o how effective marketing can be used to enhance organisational performance;
o the role of analysis, planning, implementation and control in the marketing process;
o how to develop positioning strategies, prepare plans using the appropriate marketing mix and assess their financial implications and risk; and
o key generic marketing strategies and relationship marketing.
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* Managing Operations
Managing Operations

This module will acquaint you with the basic terminology and concepts of operations management. You will:
o learn how to analyse and evaluate the operations of organisations in both the service and manufacturing sectors; and
o develop planning and control methodologies to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of an organisation.
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Apply for Sustainable Environmental Development with Management Studies PgCert/PgDip/MSc at Kingston University London
Related courses

Related to this course:

* Environmental and Earth Resource Management PgCert/PgDip/MSc

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Kamis, 06 Januari 2011

Keterampilan Fungsional

Keterampilan Fungsional , Modal Utama Masyarakat Purwakarta Untuk Belajar Berwirausaha oleh Eka Harumi Sediaswati
Eka Harumi
| 06 January 2010 | 09:04
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1 dari 1 Kompasianer menilai Bermanfaat.

Kebutuhan belajar masyarakat, khususnya masyarakat bawah di daerah Purwakarta sangat minim jika tidak ada motivasi dari pihak-pihak yang peduli akan kegiatan belajar. Masyarakat di daerah Purwakarta merupakan warga yang kesulitan mendapatkan penghasilan. Oleh karena itu, pemerintah bergerak untuk memberikan perhatiannya terhadap beberapa kelompok belajar masyarakat agar mereka mencari warga yang benar-benar ingin belajar.

Yudisium itu sangat memuaskan. Gelar Doktor diperoleh dengan memberikan baktinya terhadap pendidikan. Sangat membanggakan. Syarif Hidayat, sekretaris dinas pendidikan Provinsi Jawa Barat, dibidang pendidikan luar sekolah (PLS) di Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) lulus dengan disertasi yang berjudul “Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Keterampilan Fungsional pada Pendidikan Kesetaraan Program Paket B untuk Peningkatan Kemandirian Warga Belajar” (Studi pada PKBM Al-Salaam dan PKBM Citra di Kab. Purwakarta).

Semata-mata agar masyarakat tidak hanya menginginkan hasil akhir, yaitu ijasah yang notabene adalah jalan untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan. Namun, keterampilan masyarakat disini dipicu agar melakukan fungsi dari keterampilannya itu untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan ataupun membuka lapangan pekerjaan (kemandirian warga).

“Penerapan model pembelajaran terhadap PKBM tersebut merupakan doktrin bagi pemerintah agar mau untuk memberikan subsidinya” ungkap Syarif saat menceritakan tentang disertasi di ruang kerjanya di Gedung Sate. Berlandaskan pada pemikiran konseptual, yuridis dan empirik, Syarif mengangkat disertasinya.

Model pembelajaran keterampilan fungsional adalah model dimana mengembalikan keterampilan seseorang agar mampu kembali kedalam fungsi itu sendiri. Seperti yang dilakukan Doktor lulusan UPI ini, model pembelajaran keterampilan fungsional ini memberikan stimuli agar masyarakat mau mengembangkan dan belajar menjadi wirausaha.

Kota kecil Plered dan Pasawahan, Kabupaten Purwakarta menjadi objek penelitian sang penulis disertasi. Tujuannya adalah membandingkan satu PKBM dengan PKBM lainnya. Peneliti mengambil objek ini dikarenakan menurutnya PKBM tersebut mempunyai beberapa prestasi dalam bidang akademik dan bidang lainnya. Berangkat dari itulah ia menunaikan penelitian atas modelnya ini. Syarif membutuhkan waktu enam bulan untuk menyelesaikan hasil observasinya dengan menaruh model pembelajaran di salah satu PKBM ini.

Para pemerhati pendidikan dikawasan Plered Purwakarta ini mencari siswanya yang ingin belajar menjadi wirausaha dengan memakai model pembelajaran yang dibuat oleh Sekertasi Dinas Pendidikan Jawa Barat, Syarif Hidayat. Tidak terbatas usia, masyarakat yang ingin mengenyam pendidikan di PKBM Citra ini. “buruh di pabrik keramik, ada juga ko yang berusia 50 tahun menjadi siswa di PKBM ini” ujar Ubai yang tengah duduk di kursi diruang kepala sekolah.

“Mereka butuh belajar untuk membangun masa depan, karena mereka generasi kita selanjutnya” ungkap Ubaidullah mantan Kepala Sekolah PKBM Citra di Purwakarta. Suasana sekolah yang sangat sederhana dan terletak di kecamatan Plered, Purwakarta ini nampak sepi pada sabtu siang itu. Ya, karena menurut Ubai, sekolah berjalan sesuai jadwal mereka yang libur bekerja. “Disini bukan kami yang menentukan jadwal, tapi kita yang menyesuaikan jadwal” ungkapnya sembari menunjukkan ruang kelas yang berukuran 7×8 meter ini. Warga di PKBM Citra ini rata-rata adalah warga yang mengenyam pendidikan program paket B.

Kesempatan mereka untuk belajar itu sedikit sekali, walaupun demikian, karena tutor alias guru sebagaimana mereka dipanggil, masyarakat mampu menyelesaikan sekolahnya dan mampu berwirausaha sendiri. Tutor yang ada di PKBM ini pun bukan sembarang tutor, pendidikan mereka ada juga yang mencapai S1. Dikarenakan PKBM ini harus mempunyai kualitas yang berbeda dengan PKBM yang lainnya.

PKBM Al-salaam juga merupakan objek penelitian bagi disertasi Syarif Hidayat. Pada PKBM yang terletak di Pasawahan Kabupaten Purwakarta ini, sarana dan prasarana yang disediakan jauh lebih baik ketimbang PKBM Citra. Pada PKBM ini, warga yang belajar dengan model pembelajaran keterampilan fungsional sudah difokuskan untuk menjadi montir di bengkel. Disediakan pula bengkel dimana mereka akan belajar menjadi montir. Pelajaran praktek lebih banyak disini, warga langsung terjun untuk mencari uang. Banyak pemfokusan dalam kegiatan praktek di PKBM ini. Sehingga masyarakat memang lebih terfokus dengan didukung sarana dan prasarana yang baik.

Ya, pada PKBM al-salaam, Syarif membenarkan bahwa model pembelajaran keterampilan fungsional disini jauh lebih berhasil ketimbang PKBM Citra. “terlihat dari tutor dan sarana prasarana juga yah disini saya sediakan, ternyata berhasil dalam waktu yang cukup singkat” ujarnya sambil membuka disertasi dan menunjukkan model pembelajaran.

Perubahan sikap mental kewirausahaan dan sikap mental kemandirian merupakan subpokok bahasan, bagaimana mereka bisa berkesinambungan. Tujuan Syarif Hidayat pun hanya sebatas model pembelajaran keterampilan fungsional. Namun keinginannya untuk mengembangkan model pembelajaran itu sebagai kurikulum yang baru sangatlah kuat. Namun apa daya Syarif, walaupun melihat potensi yang besar dari kedua PKBM tersebut, ia tak bias sesuka hati membuat kurikulum baru dengan menggunakan modelnya tanpa persetujuan pemerintah.

Prof. Dr. H. Sutaryat Trisnamansyah, M.A sebagai Promotor beranggapan bahwa jika model pembelajaran keterampilan fungsional ini mampu dikaji lebih dalam, maka dari itu model ini benar-benar berhasil. “saya sangat mendukung sekali dalam upaya model ini, namun perlu ada tindak lanjutnya” puji Promotor Syarif Hidayat disela-sela kesibukannya. Perlu ada kajian yang lebih dalam terhadap dampaknya kepada warga-warga sekitar, Syarif beranggapan. Sejauh ini, model pembelajaran keterampilan fungsional sudah mampu menjadi salah satu model yang berhasil menjadikan warga Purwakarta pada program paket B memiliki sikap sikap mental kewirausahaan dan sikap mental kemandirian. Menjadikan fungsi untuk kembali ke fungsi awalnya bukanlah hal mudah untuk dilakukan. Keberhasilan Syarif patut dibanggakan atas penerapan model baru ini.

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